Cardiovascular Exercise

After having a baby, who really wants to exercise??? You're tired, have a new little one to take care of, and did I mention, you're TIRED. Ok, so let's get beyond the excuses! To achieve the goal, you must get started!

Here's the deal: I had a very complicated pregnancy toward the end of my pregnancy. I was put on bed rest for 4 weeks, then I lost too much blood after my c-section, and was not allowed to do anything for another 4 weeks. Then to top it off, at that check-up, they decided I had a blood clot in my abdomen and was not able to exercise for another 4 weeks. So, now I'm 8 weeks postpartum and just beginning to exercise. Now, granted, I am below my pre-pregnancy weight now, but only because I'm nursing my newborn. So, due to not exercising for 3 months, we must start at the beginning!

First step, cardio exercise. Cardio exercise burns the most calories. And, if you didn't already know, your calories out should be less than your calories in to achieve weight loss. For heart health, you should accomplish a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio workouts at least 3 days per week (daily is best). BUT, there is a misconception out there that this has to be a solid 30 minutes....WRONG!! It can be 10 minutes 3 times a day, or 15 minutes twice a day, or 20 minutes once and 10 minutes once. You get the idea, right. But, it needs to at least be 10 minutes of moderate to heavy exercise.

So, for me, I am a stay at home mom to two young girls so exercise outside the home (in a gym) is out of the question. Plus, add in the economy right now, and the price of a gym membership and childcare is just not an option. So, I have found a great video that I can do in my den while my girls sleep! I walk for 45 minutes and can walk 3 miles and work out my arms and abs at the same time! I think this is completely doable for most people, I think most people have 45 minutes that they can spare to exercise! If you only walk one mile, it only takes about 20 minutes. To get a better workout for some other problem areas, get some 2 pound dumbbells from Wal-Mart and keep going!

Check back another day for some more suggestions for at home exercise for those postpartum (and mostly female) trouble areas.


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About Me

First and foremost, I am a mom to two beautiful little girls! Caleigh is 3 years old and Peyton is 2 months old. I am well versed in being a mom, but I am still learning new things every day! I also have my master's degree in exercise physiology. I worked in the healthcare field for 5 years before I decided to be a stay at home mom with my oldest daughter.